Stage 4 - Configure Five9 Settings in Acqueon Workspace Admin
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    Stage 4 - Configure Five9 Settings in Acqueon Workspace Admin

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    Article summary

    After completing the steps mentioned in stages 1, 2, and 3, you must configure the layout-specific Five9 Settings in Acqueon Workspace Admin. These configurations define:

    • Non-operative Business Outcome - As part of the configuration for outbound, inbound, and manual outbound calls, a non-operative business outcome is required to handle Callback and DNC outcomes effectively. Here’s what you need to know:

      • For outbound calls, outcomes are automatically synchronized between Five9 and Acqueon Campaigns per the process described stage 2.

      • To ensure Callback and DNC outcomes work correctly across all call types, you must create a non-operative business outcome.

      As a result, when an agent selects a Callback or DNC outcome:

        1. The non-operative business outcome is sent to Five9. This step allows the agent to disconnect and clear the call in Five9.

       2. At the same time, the actual Callback or DNC disposition is sent to Acqueon Campaigns.

      Now, in this step, provide the name of the non-operative business outcome you created earlier in Stage 1.

    • Enable Callback - This configuration applies to inbound and manual outbound calls only. Enable to display Callback as one of the outcome options in the widget.

    • Enable DNC - This configuration applies to inbound and manual outbound calls only. Enable to display DNC as one of the outcome options in the widget.

      To learn more about these options and provide the details, refer to Five9 Settings. This option is available as a tab for each layout to define the settings.


      In Acqueon Campaigns, to display specific outcomes (such as DNC or Callback) in the agent's view for outbound calls:

      1. Navigate to Campaigns and then to Telephony Outcomes for the respective campaign.

      2. Turn the AgentView switch for the DNC or Callback outcome to ON or OFF as required.

        For more information on configuring telephony outcomes, refer here. If these call outcomes have AgentView turned off, they are not displayed in the widget.

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