- DarkLight
Upload History
- DarkLight
Source Table | Column Name | Display Name | Data Type | Description | Platform |
RPT_AE_Campaign_Group | CampaignGroup | CampaignGroup | nvarchar (64) (null) | The name of the campaign group the contact is uploaded to. | All |
RPT_AE_Campaign | CAMPAIGNID | CAMPAIGNID | int (64) (not null) | The campaign ID of the contact uploaded. | All |
OBD_HD_UploadHistory | ChildListID | ChildListID | int (null) | The child list ID generated by the application at the time of upload. | All |
OBD_HD_UploadHistory | ContactFailedToUpload | ContactFailedToUpload | int (null) | The number of contacts that failed to upload. | All |
OBD_HD_UploadHistory | ContactsBlockedINCorporateDNC | ContactsBlockedINCorporateDNC | int (null) | The number of contacts blocked on account of corporate DNC. | All |
OBD_HD_UploadHistory | ContactsBlockedINNDNC | ContactsBlockedINNDNC | int (null) | The number of contacts blocked on account of corporate NDNC. | All |
OBD_HD_UploadHistory | ContactsUploaded | ContactsUploaded | int (null) | The number of contacts uploaded. | All |
OBD_HD_UploadHistory | DuplicateContacts | DuplicateContacts | int (null) | The number of duplicate contacts. | All |
OBD_HD_UploadHistory | List | List | int (null) | The List ID generated by the application. | All |
OBD_HD_UploadHistory | ModeFailedToUpload | ModeFailedToUpload | int (null) | The number of contacts failed to upload on account of mode failure. | All |
OBD_HD_UploadHistory | ModesBlockedINCorporateDNC | ModesBlockedINCorporateDNC | nvarchar (null) | The number of contacts blocked on account of corporate DNC. | All |
OBD_HD_UploadHistory | ModesBlockedINNDNC | ModesBlockedINNDNC | nvarchar (null) | The number of contacts blocked on account of corporate DNC. | All |
OBD_HD_UploadHistory | ReportTime | ReportTime | datetime (null) | The date and time the report was generated. | All |
OBD_HD_UploadHistory | SubTenantID | SubTenantID | int (null) | The Sub Tenant ID autogenerated by the application when a new tenant is created. | All |
OBD_HD_UploadHistory | TenantID | TenantID | int (null) | The Tenant ID auto-generated by the application when a new tenant is created. | All |
OBD_HD_UploadHistory | TotalContactsProcessed | TotalContactsProcessed | int (null) | The total number of contacts processed from the upload file | All |
OBD_HD_UploadHistory | UploadSubType | UploadSubType | nvarchar (1) (null) | The upload subtype. The values are N for a new file, U for update an already available file, and C if it is a copy of another file. | All |
OBD_HD_UploadHistory | UploadTime | UploadTime | datetime (null) | The date and time of upload. | All |
OBD_HD_UploadHistory | UploadType | UploadType | nvarchar (12) (not null) | The upload type such as JSON, API, and so on. | All |
OBD_HD_UploadHistory | ModeBlockedInComplianceDNC | ModeBlockedInComplianceDNC | int (null) | Indicates the mode blocked due to compliance with Do Not Call (DNC) regulations. | All |
OBD_HD_UploadHistory | ContactBlockedInComplianceDNC | ContactBlockedInComplianceDNC | int (null) | The count of contacts blocked due to DNC compliance. | All |
OBD_HD_UploadHistory | ModeBlockedInComplianceLitigation | ModeBlockedInComplianceLitigation | int (null) | Indicates the mode blocked due to compliance with litigation regulations. | All |
OBD_HD_UploadHistory | ContactBlockedInComplianceLitigation | ContactBlockedInComplianceLitigation | int (null) | The count of contacts blocked due to litigation compliance. | All |
OBD_HD_UploadHistory | srcDetails | srcDetails | nvarchar (512) (null) | Source details or additional information about the upload. | All |
OBD_HD_UploadHistory | UploadedDuration | UploadedDuration | time (7) (null) | The duration related to the uploaded content. | All |
OBD_HD_UploadHistory | UpdatedListID | UpdatedListID | int (null) | The ID of the updated list associated with the upload. | All |
OBD_HD_UploadHistory | UpdatedContacts | UpdatedContacts | int (null) | The number of contacts updated as part of the upload. | All |
OBD_HD_UploadHistory | ProfileName | ProfileName | nvarchar (512) (null) | The name of the profile associated with the upload. | All |